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Tube Stomach Surgery

Gastric sleeve surgery, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, is a type of weight loss surgery in which a large portion of the stomach is removed, leaving behind a smaller, sleeve-shaped stomach. This decreases the amount of food that the stomach can hold, resulting in weight loss. It is a popular choice for women who want to improve their overall health, boost their self-esteem, and achieve a fit and feminine physique. This surgery may also improve obesity-related conditions like diabetes and sleep apnea.Recovery duration varies by individual, but most patients are able to resume normal activities within a few weeks. It is crucial to highlight that this surgery is not a fast fix and that long-term success requires a commitment to lifestyle changes such as good food and frequent exercise. If you are considering this procedure, you should consult with your doctor to see if it is the best decision for you.

Operation Summary

Gastric sleeve surgery, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, is typically recommended for people with a BMI of 40 or higher, which is considered morbidly obese, or for people with a BMI of 35 or higher who have at least one obesity-related comorbidity such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or sleep apnea. However, it is crucial to stress that the surgery is not a fast fix and that long-term success involves a commitment to lifestyle changes such as good diet and frequent exercise.   Conditions Required for Gastric Sleeve Surgery for Women Gastric sleeve surgery, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, is typically recommended for individuals who meet certain criteria, including: • Body mass index (BMI) of 40 or higher, which is considered to be morbidly obese. • BMI of 35 or greater, with at least one obesity-related disease, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or sleep apnea. • A history of failed attempts at weight loss through diet and exercise. • A commitment to making healthy lifestyle adjustments, such as frequent exercise, both before and after surgery. • A psychological evaluation is performed to ensure that the patient is emotionally and mentally prepared for the surgery and the necessary lifestyle modifications. • Furthermore, the patient should be in good overall health and should not have any uncontrolled medical conditions that might make surgery unsafe, such as serious heart or lung illness.  

Gastric sleeve surgery, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, is a serious and life-changing procedure that can help people lose weight and improve their general health. However, like with any surgery, there are dangers and concerns to consider before deciding to have the treatment. • For the best long-term results, the operation is not a quick fix and requires a lifetime commitment to healthy eating and regular exercise. • The operation is irreversible, so you must be assured that this is the best option for you before going. • The procedure may be associated with risks and problems such as bleeding, infection, and blood clots. • Medication can help with nausea, vomiting, and acid reflux caused by surgery.  

Gastric sleeve surgery, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, can be an effective strategy for losing significant weight and improving general health. However, keep in mind that the surgery is merely the first step in a lifelong road toward a better lifestyle. Following gastric sleeve surgery, consider the following: • Recovery time varies from person to person, so it's critical to follow your surgeon's post-surgery instructions to ensure a safe and smooth recovery. • You will need to follow a rigorous post-surgery diet, beginning with clear liquids and proceeding to pureed and soft meals, then solid foods. • Maintaining a regular workout regimen will help you lose weight and improve your overall health. • You may experience nausea, vomiting, acid reflux, and dumping syndrome, all of which can be alleviated with medication. • You will have to attend regular follow-up appointments with your surgeon and dietitian to monitor your weight loss and overall health, and make any necessary adjustments to your diet and exercise plan.  

The time it takes to recuperate after gastric sleeve surgery varies depending on the patient. However, most patients can expect some pain, swelling, and discomfort in the days following surgery. A careful post-surgery diet must be followed, beginning with clear liquids and advancing to pureed and soft foods, and finally solid foods. • The patient will be transferred to a recovery room immediately following surgery and will be watched until they are stable enough to be discharged. • Most patients will stay in the hospital for 1-2 days before heading home. • To help manage any discomfort throughout the recuperation phase, the patient will be given pain medication. • The patient will be required to adhere to a rigorous post-surgery diet, beginning with clear liquids, advancing to pureed and soft meals, and finally solid foods, as directed by the surgeon. • The patient will be advised to avoid heavy lifting and strenuous activities for many weeks following surgery. • Regular follow-up consultations with the surgeon and nutritionist will be required to monitor the healing process and make any necessary changes to the diet and exercise plan. • Most patients are able to resume normal activities within a few weeks, but full recovery may take many months. • For the best long-term results, the patient must commit to a lifetime of balanced food and frequent exercise.  

Gastric sleeve surgery can be an effective way to lose a large amount of weight. The operation works by lowering the amount of food that the stomach can contain, resulting in a fuller feeling sooner and less calories absorbed. It also changes the hormones that control hunger and fullness. Patients might anticipate losing a large amount of weight in the first year following surgery. Patients often lose 60-80 percent of their excess weight within the first 12 to 18 months after surgery. Weight reduction, however, will vary based on the individual's starting weight, adherence to a balanced diet, and amount of physical activity.  

Following gastric sleeve surgery, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, a precise feeding plan is required to promote weight loss and minimize complications. The stomach capacity is severely decreased, and the patient must adhere to a strict diet plan that begins with clear liquids and proceeds to solid foods gradually. • Clear liquids: For the first few days after surgery, the patient will consume clear liquids such as water, broth, and sugar-free clear juice. • Pureed foods: For the next few weeks, the patient will consume pureed foods such as protein drinks, yogurt, and pureed fruits and vegetables. • After a few weeks, the patient will be able to add soft foods such as prepared or canned fruits and vegetables, as well as lean proteins. • Solid foods: The patient will eventually be able to handle solid foods again, but it is critical to chew food carefully and consume slowly in order to avoid discomfort. • Protein: To promote the healing process and muscle mass maintenance, the patient will need to consume a high protein diet. • Vitamins and minerals: To avoid deficiencies, the patient may need to take vitamin and mineral supplements for the rest of his or her life. • Hydration: To avoid dehydration and aid in the healing process, the patient will need to drink enough of water and other non-caloric fluids. It's vital to note that each person's diet will be different, and it's critical to follow your surgeon's advice.  

Following gastric sleeve surgery, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, a specialized fitness plan is required to encourage weight loss, improve overall health and recuperation, and avoid problems. Here's an overview of the typical exercise plan after gastric sleeve surgery: • Walking: The patient will be advised to begin walking as soon as feasible following surgery since it promotes circulation and healing. • Gradual Increase: As the patient heals and gains strength, they will be recommended to gradually increase the amount and intensity of physical exercise. • Low-impact exercises: The patient will be encouraged to begin with low-impact exercises like swimming, cycling, or water aerobics and gradually advance to more rigorous activities as they recuperate. • Cardio: To promote weight loss and enhance cardiovascular health, the patient will be urged to include cardio workouts such as walking, running, cycling, swimming, or stair climbing. • Strength training: To preserve muscle mass and improve general health, the patient will be urged to include strength training exercises such as weightlifting, resistance training, or bodyweight exercises. • Flexibility: To enhance range of motion and lessen the chance of injury, the patient will be urged to include stretching and flexibility activities such as yoga or Pilates.  

Tube Stomach Surgery Before


Gastric sleeve surgery is a weight loss procedure that involves removing a large portion of the stomach to reduce the amount of food that can be consumed. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia and typically takes 1 to 2 hours to complete. Before the surgery, patients must meet certain criteria such as a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or higher.

Tube Stomach Surgery During


During the surgery, the surgeon will make several small incisions in the abdomen and remove a portion of the stomach to create a narrow tube-like structure. The remaining portion of the stomach is then sealed to prevent food from entering the removed section. The patient will be monitored in a recovery room for several hours after the surgery and then discharged with instructions for post-operative care.

Tube Stomach Surgery After


After the surgery, patients will follow a strict diet plan to allow the stomach time to heal. They will also need to attend follow-up appointments with the surgeon to monitor their progress and ensure the best outcomes. The weight loss process will take time and patients must be committed to a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and a balanced diet, to maintain the results of the surgery. The surgeon will provide specific instructions for post-operative care and the patient will be able to resume normal activities as they heal.

Soda Consumption
Technical Features
Recovery Time
6 Weeks
Preoperative Diet
Up to 4 Weeks
Return to Social Life
4 Days
1-2 Nights
Alcohol Consumption
Soda Consumption

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Tube Stomach Surgery

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Tube Stomach Surgery


  • What İs The Average Weight Loss Following Stomach Reduction Surgery?
    Patients often lose 60-80 percent of their excess weight within the first 12 to 18 months post gastric sleeve surgery. Weight reduction, however, will vary based on the individual's starting weight, adherence to a balanced diet, and amount of physical activity. Ask with whatsapp
  • How Can You Combat Skin Sagging After Losing Weight?
    It is critical to maintain a balanced diet and exercise program, stay hydrated, and use a moisturizer to keep the skin hydrated after losing weight. Excess skin may need to be removed surgically in some cases. Ask with whatsapp
  • Is There An Age Limit For Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
    The upper age restriction for gastric sleeve surgery varies according to the patient's overall health and the surgeon's experience. In general, adults with a BMI of 40 or greater are the best candidates for the operation. Ask with whatsapp
  • Is İt Possible To Regain Weight After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
    Weight gain following gastric sleeve surgery is possible if the patient does not follow a healthy diet and exercise plan. To guarantee long-term weight loss success, it is critical to follow the surgeon's instructions and live a healthy lifestyle that includes frequent exercise and a balanced diet. Ask with whatsapp
  • Can I Participate İn Sports After Having Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
    Within a few weeks of gastric sleeve surgery, it is normally okay to begin light physical activity such as walking and swimming. More strenuous activities, such as weightlifting or jogging, may be resumed after a few weeks or months, depending on the patient's healing status and the surgeon's recommendation. It is critical to listen to and follow the surgeon's instructions. Ask with whatsapp
  • How Long Does Female Gastric Sleeve Surgery Take?
    Gastric sleeve surgery, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, usually takes around an hour. The treatment is often performed laparoscopically, which means using small incisions and a thin, tube-like camera known as a laparoscope. When compared to traditional open surgery, this sort of surgery allows for less invasion, less pain, and a speedier recovery period.  Ask with whatsapp

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