Hello, can you answer the following question so that I can analyze you better?|
Hello, can you answer the following question so that I can analyze you better?
We are very excited to have you join us. To provide you with the best assistance, may I ask for your age?
Hello, can you answer the following question so that I can analyze you better?
I have one more question to better assist you. Which of the following images does your body structure look more like?
Hello, can you answer the following question so that I can analyze you better?
Have you had any surgery before? This information is necessary to protect your health as well as help us better assist you.
Hello, can you answer the following question so that I can analyze you better?
Another question that will help us provide the best assistance is about your current health. Do you have any contagious diseases or medical conditions?
Hello, can you answer the following question so that I can analyze you better?
Now, let's move on to our goals! Which of the following would you like your body to be like? I'm starting to work right away to offer you the best opportunity and achieve our goals!
Hello, can you answer the follaowing question so that I can analyze you better?
Here is the last step! I wrote down all the information and started planning for you. Can you send me your information so that our doctors can reach you and start the journey? Get ready for amazing news!